Leo (Javier Bardem) lies in bed, confused and lost in his thoughts preoccupied by the uneasy sense that people no longer take him seriously. With proverbial tender loving care, his daughter Molly (Elle Fanning), accompanies him to New York. Even though her job is on the line, she sticks with her chaotically minded father who no longer knows her name. His mind is diverted on wanderings into parallel versions of his life: with Dolores (Salma Hayek) in Mexico; scenes from their passionate marriage; as a lonely writer on a Greek island. These encounters steer him towards unpleasant truths – and back to Molly. Though the radical stance of her feminist films (“The Gold Diggers,” “Orlando”) might be taken otherwise, Sally Potter has always been fascinated by the coexistence of women and men. This powerful new film takes that intrigue to a higher plane through a meditative and hallucinatory journey into the many lives carried within.
The Roads Not Taken
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